New Year’s Resolution: Do Something. Also, Some News.

newyearsIn 2014, I started doing two things that put a severe cramp in my free time: working, and walking/getting tortured weekly at the YMCA/eating vegetables. Last week, it occurred to me that if someone were to ask me what I do in my spare time, I’d have to answer “walk aimlessly around Target and/or Costco” and … yeah, that’s pretty much it.

I don’t even watch TV anymore. I am living in a state of nothingness so severe that watching TV would MAKE ME MORE INTERESTING at cocktail parties. I can not bear to be someone who has nothing to add at a cocktail party.

So here we are again.

I thought I would start things off with a bang by announcing that our park’s, and hence my blog’s, namesake has sadly passed away. (I really know how to get a party started, don’t I?)  Theodore “TW” McCollum, age 92, has gone to the great Park District in the sky. I didn’t know him, but I’m glad for him that he left behind a great legacy and something that adds real value to people’s lives. I hope his family isn’t too sad; my condolences to them. I would just like to say “thank you” for being one of the few people who could actually get something new added to Downers Grove. That is quite the accomplishment.

That is all for now. Let me look at those widgets on my sidebar and see if I can update any of those babies too.

About susiecarroll

I threw off the yoke of corporate oppression for the apron of domestic aggression
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